It probably is the perfect synergy

What is it about scrappers and Disney? At least here in the UK it seems that most scrappers want to go to a Disney park, have just returned from a Disney vacation or are happily planning one in the future – that is, if they are not all just Disney mad anyway! Why? What is it about Disney that appeals to scrappers or vice versa? Is it the Orlando shopping, the cheap prices, the way to record a memorable family vacation? Is it the cuteness, the family-orientation or the multitudes of characters available? What is it?

My own Disney connection is deeper than scrapping (I like to think) as I’ve been going to the Orlando and California parks since I was a baby. In fact, my mom likes to think I was conceived while they were on their Disneyland honeymoon! My nursery was decorated with Mickeys and I used to read books with Disney characters on them.

My first “proper” trip to the theme parks was at the age of 2 and of course I remember nothing. But nearly every year after that we’d go to Orlando – and some years we went twice. I love the whole experience and loved it so much that I eventually applied for a part in their international program. I spent 18 months working at WDW and can safely say that these were the best times of my life. I was completely immersed in Disney culture, Disney merchandise and a Disney life and couldn’t ask for more. If I could have kept that job forever I would have done.

My scrapbooking developed very much in parallel but has little to do with Disney – I did do some to keep my photos from my time in the international program but mainly my scrapping is about every day life. So my two worlds rarely meet but it’s not because I don’t want them to, it’s because they just don’t.

It’s not because I don’t like Disney anymore – quite the opposite, I love it. I collect all the soundtracks and even have most of the songs in my MP3 player, so I can listen to them all the time. I love watching the movies. I even used to subscribe to the Disney magazine until it disappeared last year. I have lots of Mickey earrings and necklaces and such and even wear them. I buy almost every Disney book that comes out, whether it is about business or travel or secrets. In short, I still very much love all things Disney but this love is kept apart from my scrapbooking for some reason.

I keep these two aspects of my life apart so much (unconsciously) that when we booked our trip to Florida for later in the year, I hadn’t really thought about stash shopping or anything like that until someone mentioned it to me. I’d been concentrating more on the chance to catch up with old friends, to visit the old haunts and, if I’m honest, to introduce my little boy to Mickey Mouse in the hope that he too will become a Disney fan!

When we return from that holiday no doubt I will have bought some stash. I will also have tons of photos that will need a special place. So perhaps I too will join the ranks of all those Disney-addicted scrappers and finally work out what the connection is!


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